
The Sweet Internet Ballroom

Check out the Let's Go around the world thread on the message board for a chance to win this CD












Come on in and have a chat Let me know if you have any ideas about this site. Watch out for these. There are a lot of them about Sweet E-cards are here. Send one to a friend Just a few Tabs at the moment Communicate with other Sweet fans
Tell me if you know of a Link that should be here I will fill it up very soon. Be patient. Please let all Sweet fans know about us. It's in your own interest. Why not send me your review of a Sweet Album Send a Sweet E-card to all your Sweet friends
    See what is going to happen in your Stars???

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All the latest News.

Updated 16th September.....Check out the MB

Friends of the Ballroom

Sweet Talk 2

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Sweet FA at the Flimwell Festival

Kevin Smith's Videos for sale


Radio and Television Remote Control *